For the fourth or fifth time in my life I received a gift that totally surprised me because I wanted it so badly. I was given this beautiful all brassContinue readingGift
Making Music Today
At every turn, our world seems to be getting bigger, growing both in population and size; cities and towns are expanding, new infrastructures and forms of transportation are connecting ruralContinue readingMaking Music Today
How I got my start in music
I’ve been involved in music since I was 5 years old. I remember the day I started singing in my Family Gospel group, ‘The Meekins Family’. It was the fallContinue readingHow I got my start in music
Hello World!
My name is Jason Meekins and I am a full-time Musician from Austin, TX. I am the drummer for a wedding band called Blind Date, I also have the privilegeContinue readingHello World!